Porting parallel.sh to MSys
Ever wanted to process many files but your program is single threaded and your have multiple cores? Well I wanted just that, process 1500 files and I have a 8 core machine. The problem with bash scripts is that loops are executed in sequential order. You can process commands in parallel by appending & at the end of the script. The problem launching 1500 processes is a sure thing to kill your machine.
I tripped over this article: A srcipt for running processes in parallel in Bash. It is a really cool script with which you can execute commands in parallel.
I copied the script into my MSys installation. Guess what, it did not work. The problem is that it checks for /proc/$PID. Too bad that MSys does not have a /proc file system.
So I changed the code to use ps and grep. Its probably not as effective, but it works on msys...
Download the modified script; parallel.sh