Ultimate C++ Library Makefile



I like make, I really like make. Make is, in contrast to many other build systems, extremely simple yet ultimately powerful. The best part is that it is almost standard everywhere, save windows and for that you have MinGw.

I switched over to make at the beginning of this year and have refined my makefiles ever since. I recently started the experiment of wrapping libuv in C++ and decided to take the makefile one step further. I wrote a makefile that is so generic that all you need to change are the three variables PACKAGE, VERSION and lib_libs and solve 90% of all use cases.

The makefile makes some assumptions about the package layout, one that is common and should be standard for libraries. There are basically three folders include, src and test and it is obvious what goes there. The include folder contains the public headers that will be installed in the system. The src folder contains the sources and private headers that make up the library. The folder test contains the unit tests for the library.

The makefile also makes some assumptions about your build environment. The first is that you use a GNU or compatible tool chain for building your software. Through the use of the environment variables CXX, CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS you can alter and extend your build environment. It is assumed that any dependencies are "published" through the variables CXXFLAGS using -I and LDFLAGS using -L or located in common public locations. This gives the flexibility of building your project in any build environment, as long as CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS are properly set.

To use the makefile all you need to do is copy the makefile to the root of your project and set the variable PACKAGE to your package / project / library name and VERSION to the correct version of your package. Depending on your need you may need to extend CXXFLAGS and lib_libs to add any required preprocessor macros and libraries. You should not add any search paths to dependent libraries, as noted above the CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS should already contain any environment dependent modifications.

Now for the fun part, I will walk you through the makefile and show you how it was done. Even if you are not building a library there is much insight into using make efficiently.

CXX      ?= g++ -std=c++0x
prefix   ?= /usr/local

The first real part of the makefile is setting and extending the build environment. This is the sane way to do it, we let the user choose what compiler (CXX) he wants to use and only provide a sane fall back. This is the same with CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS, we only extend them. So if you want "-g -Wall" or "-O3 -DNDEBUG" you should specify it externally. prefix is a bit special and we will see how that works when addressing installation.

headers    = $(wildcard include/*.h)
lib_hdr    = $(wildcard src/*.h)
lib_src    = $(wildcard src/*.cpp)
lib_libs   = -lalib 
test_hdr   = $(wildcard test/*.h)
test_src   = $(wildcard test/*.cpp)
test_libs  = $(lib_libs) -lUnitTest++
extra_dist = Makefile README.md
dist_files = $(headers) $(lib_hdr) $(lib_src) $(test_hdr) $(test_src) $(extra_dist)

This part describes the actual project. As you can see we use wild cards for files. Using wild cards is extremely powerful; to add a file you just add the file, to remove a file, you just remove a file and to rename a file you rename the file; no need to alter the build configuration.

The only variables you might want to touch are lib_libs, test_libs and extra_dist. lib_libs contains any libraries you need to link your library to and test_libs contains any libraries you need to link your test to. test_libs is automatically extended with lib_libs, since obviously you need to link to the same dependencies. The extra_dist contains any files not part of the build, but you want / need them as part of the distributed package.

ifeq ($(MSYSTEM), MINGW32)
  EXEEXT = .exe  
  LIBEXT = .dll
  LIBEXT = .so  

This is a small hack to ensure portability between POSIX and Windows.

.PHONY: all check clean install uninstall dist

As the phony targets show, this makefile is mostly GNU compatible, with the most common targets.


$(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT): $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(lib_src))
    $(CXX) -shared -fPIC $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(lib_libs) -Wl,--out-implib=$(patsubst %$(LIBEXT),lib%.a, $@) -o $@

This is the all rule and the actual build instruction for the linking the library. The main idea is that users do not want to run any tests, so we will not force them to. Note the use of pattern substitution to form the object to link. This, with the wild card, forms the automatic deduction of what needs to be done. Although mostly not required, this instruction not only creates the shared library, but also a matching link library.

The compiler instruction is written in the generic form, save for $(lib_libs), it can be used in any makefile. The arguments for the compiler are deduced from make's automatic variables $^ (prerequisites) and $@ (target).

But how are the objects created? Well we could rely on a built in rule but for dependency tracking we extended the generic rule:

%.o : %.cpp
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -MD -c $< -o $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $<)

This is quite a standard rule. The important bit is the -MD flag which will create for every .o object a .d makefile snippet. These snippets contain all header files needed during the build of that object. This in itself useless, but all we need to do is include these:

ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean"
deps  = $(patsubst %.cpp, %.d, $(lib_src))
deps += $(patsubst %.cpp, %.d, $(test_src))
-include $(deps)

Two thing strike out. First we don't include the files during clean, this is obvious because we delete these files. Second is that we use -include directive, to prevent any error if the .d file is not present. Obviously if you have a clean package, there are no .d files.

    rm -f src/*.o src/*.d test/*.o test/*.d $(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT) test-$(PACKAGE)$(EXEEXT)    

The next common used rule is clean and it is quite straight forward.

install: $(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT)
    mkdir -p $(prefix)/include/$(PACKAGE)
    cp $(headers) $(prefix)/include/$(PACKAGE)
    mkdir -p $(prefix)/lib
    cp lib$(PACKAGE).a $(prefix)/lib
    mkdir -p $(prefix)/bin
    cp $(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT) $(prefix)/bin

    rm -r $(prefix)/include/$(PACKAGE)
    rm $(prefix)/lib/lib$(PACKAGE).a
    rm $(prefix)/bin/$(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT)

The install and uninstall targets are interesting but straight forward. As you can see anything in include is copied to the specified include/package The use of prefix makes it possible to install the library in non standard locations by specifying the prefix on the make invocation like so:

$ prefix=/opt make install

As developer you should always call the check rule:

check: test-$(PACKAGE)$(EXEEXT)    

test-$(PACKAGE)$(EXEEXT): $(PACKAGE)$(LIBEXT) $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(test_src))
    $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(test_libs) -o $@

This builds the unit test and executes it. The build instruction is again generic and can be used in any other make rule.

Finally as package maintainer you need the handy dist rule:

    mkdir $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
    cp --parents $(dist_files) $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
    tar -czvf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
    rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)

This does what you expect, it packages all sources into a tar ball for source distribution.

At a first glance the makefile looks a little intimidating, but when you realise that it can build your package without the need to ever touch it again (except maybe the version number) you realise that make is awesome!