


I am looking into using OGRE and Bullet for my little project and while I was browsing through the OGRE Wiki, I stumbled over OgreBullet. So my reaction, was "interesting". I knew that anything of this matter would not work into my proposed architecture, since it mixes two systems I want to separate. Nevertheless I looked into it.

And it is what I thought it was. It is what you get when someone says "Let us add physics to out small graphics demo!" and then heads to code something up without further though.

But this naive approach is common in hobby game development circles. It stems from the fact that the first thing you get from a game is it's graphics. As a result developers start on the graphics first and then start weaving other elements, such as sound, AI and physics into the graphic code. Unfortunately it takes allot of unlearning to realise that the proper way go is to think about and build the model code first and then wrap the presentation layers around it.

Fun fact, if you look into the OGRE wiki, you will find similar gems, like OgreAL, OgreSocks and OgreMP. What good does a graphic library do with a Berkley socket layer? And no, it is not multi system rendering, which would be arguably cool. I get extensions that meaningfully extend OGRE like Hikari, OgreSpeedTree, Berkelium or Particle Universe plugin, but the mere existence of these odd libraries is insane.