Star Citizen Adverts



One aspect of Star Citizen's marketing is genius, the ship adverts.

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When you are marketing a game it is really difficult. What do you tell the potential players? More graphics, more spaceships awesome fun? Pulling this off is really hard, without coming over as a cheesy use care sales pitch. The best so far are the cinematic trailers, but these are often lauded for their lack of actual game footage.

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In contrast the Star Citizen's ship adverts are a pure strike of genius. Although technically speaking they are "just" a cinematic trailer, but they interact with the audience in a different way. In no point is it mentioned that a game called Star Citizen exists; they are designed to appeal to actual (functional) 30th century potential ship buyers. The result is that they fell authentic without having the "meh, it's just a cinematic trailer" vibe.

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But finally the master piece is the Top Gear reimagining of Galactic Gear. The brilliance is not only marketing, entertainment.

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Was this a post that sole purpose was to embed the awesome trailers? I am not telling.