Immutable Containers and Thread Safety



I have been using immutable.js recently and in the context of JavaScript it makes a lot of sense. The problem I am trying to solve with immutable.js is the aliasing problem. That is, I get a list of widgets from somewhere and I need to alter the list before I can display it. Doing this in-place is not a good idea, because this may break some other code that holds onto the list.

I like this programming idiom so much that I am seriously considering mplementing it in C++. While I am tinkering with my C++ experimental code and my research I keep coming across the assertion that immutable objects are thread safe. The original presentation or this rather nice article mention it as if it was an immutable truth.

But they are just wrong. It is true that with the right use of atomics you can create immutable containers that will not have memory races or crash, but that does not make them functionally correct.

Take a well known example from multi-threading programming, the humble bank account. In our case we will represent the bank account as an immutable ledger of all transactions that occurred. All you can do to the ledger is add transactions, so the naive implementation would be as follows:

class Account
    void append(const Transaction& transaction)
        ledger = ledger.push_back(transaction);

    i7e::imutable_list<Transaction> ledger;

The problem here is when two threads start to invoke the append method at the same time. Both threads will make a copy of the ledger, append their transaction and overwrite the value on the Account object.

This is multi-threading programming 101. You add mutexes:

class Account
    void append(const Transaction& transaction)
        auto sl = std::lock<std::mutex>{mutex}
        ledger = ledger.push_back(transaction);

    std::mutex                      mutex;
    i7e::imutable_list<Transaction> ledger;

But can you do better?

Well this is part of my deliberations, what the API should look like. An alternate API is one where the actual container object is immutable and any modifying operations return a smart pointer to a copy. Like so:

class Account
        ledger = i7e::imutable_list<Transaction>::create();

    void append(const Transaction& transaction)
        ledger = ledger->push_back(transaction);

    std::smart_ptr<i7e::imutable_list<Transaction>> ledger;

But this code is clearly not safe in any way, it actually even has a memory race, since smart_ptr is not thread safe. But we can make it thread safe if we implement optimistic atomic exchange.

class Account
        ledger = i7e::imutable_list<Transaction>::create();

    void append(const Transaction& transaction)
        std::smart_ptr<i7e::imutable_list<Transaction>> orig_ledger, new_ledger;
            orig_ledger = std::atomic_load(&ledger);
            new_ledger = orig_ledger->push_back(transaction);    
        while (std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&ledger, orig_ledger, new_ledger));

    std::smart_ptr<i7e::imutable_list<Transaction>> ledger;

This operation will add the transaction onto the ledger and only replace the ledger, if the current ledger is the ledger it started with. If that is not the case it starts over. The assumption here is that the contention on this function will be so low that in all but a few cases the loop is executed only once.

Immutable objects are a nifty basis for lock less algorithms, but they still require you to switch on your brain and look for data races resulting from the copy semantic.